Top 5 Things I wish someone explained to me in those coding introduction courses

Nov 20, 2020
Illustration of Jake from Adventure Time

Nr 1: It will most likely not work on the first try

Having errors is in no way an indicator of how good/bad you are at writing code. Sometimes it does not work on the 35th try either — still ok.
I wished that someone instead had said is: “Cool, there is an error — what do we do with it?

Nr 2: Everyone has an opinion about the ‘right’ approach

Others’ preferred way does not mean the right way. And, honestly, when you are on the internet — people will have opinions, which you will learn from (I mean, sometimes you do things wrong). But, sometimes it’s just a preferred way — the point is; don’t lose yourself.

Illustration of peoples opinion of approach on the internet. Made by author.

Nr 3: Sometimes rebooting your localhost is the only (un)logical solution (*cough* React Native *cough*)

Speaking of errors, I recently worked with React Native, I did not feel like it reacted that well. It gave me errors saying that x variable was not defined. and of course, it was not; I had deleted it 30 seconds ago. So, rebooting is an ok approach when trying to solve problems too!

Nr 4: ; are not mandatory

Sorry, not sorry — why do people like these?

Nr 5: Learning stuff is not a linear progression

You’ll not get smarter/better/enjoy it more/whatever every day, and that’s ok.

