New in Tech Survival Doodle!

The ‘art’ of note taking

1 min readMar 18, 2022

Dear Internet,

I’ve transitioned into tech from a completely different field, academia. In academia, one’s note-taking skills increase the chance of succeeding in remembering, learning, arguing, and criticizing most topics. Out of habit, I am using my everyday note-taking experience in tech. Notes are handy for documentation, in meetings or when a senior explains how to do something/shows you something you have to do on your own later. Basically, it’s useful all the time. I have, however, left the academic way of taking notes — everything goes so fast in tech, and I mostly doodle/write bullet points.

I’ve gotten some much-appreciated advice from more senior developers, and I have gotten to know myself a little bit to notice what works for me. Without further ado — this is my tech lessons survival doodle!

doodle of tech related lessons
Tech relation lessons so far

All the best!

Johanna and her cool portfolio!

