A canvas with the colors of the rainbow vertically drawn
Small painting by Steve Johnson

Code overview — mission impossible?

3 VsCode extensions to help you navigate your code!

2 min readOct 13, 2020


As a new user of Visual Studio Code, I sometimes find it hard to navigate through my opening and closing code. Especially when it comes to nesting and functions; there are parentheses and curly brackets everywhere! Sometimes, they are aloof breaking your code and you have to find which ( or { is missing its mate. The time spent trying to get an overview of my code has drastically reduced since I came across this article! The 3 extensions that helped me are Bracket Pair Colorizer, Indent Rainbow, and Indenticator!

Bracket Pair Colorizer and Indent Rainbow

These are two different extensions. However, they really make a good and beautiful couple. These extensions will fill your editor with a flurry of colours, and make the code blocks easily discernible and pleasing to the eyes. Once you get used to them, VSCode feels insipid, and bland without them.


Visually highlights the current indent depth. So now you can easily distinguish between various blocks indented at different levels.

Add these 3 extensions together and you have a colorful and easier to overview VsCode!

Bracket Pair Colorizer, Indent Rainbow and Indenticator working together in VsCode

